The official website of the Bahá’í Community of Canada

The Bahá’í
of Canada

“Let your vision be

– Bahá’u’lláh

Who We Are

A diverse and growing community

The Bahá’í Faith is an independent world religion based on the spiritual and social teachings of Bahá’u’lláh. We work alongside friends and neighbours to apply the teachings of Bahá’u’lláh to their lives and communities.

The Bahá’í Faith has been present in Canada since 1898 and has grown to count more than 35,000 people among its membership in more than 1,000 localities across the country. This community reflects Canada’s cultural, ethnic and linguistic diversity.

Bahá’ís work alongside friends and neighbours to realize Bahá’u’lláh’s vision for society, where the dignity and nobility of the individual is upheld, cultural diversity is valued and celebrated, and unity and fellowship among all its members is consciously fostered.

What We Do

Belief and learning in action

Bahá’í community life aims to foster the spiritual development of the individual and the cultivation of selfless service to humanity. Working alongside others, Bahá’ís promote the development of vibrant communities that unify people across differences and strive to contribute to the material and spiritual needs of their society.

Connecting with Canadian Bahá’is

The Bahá’í Community of Canada is representative of the country’s rich cultural and ethnic diversity. Bahá’ís reside in every province and territory in Canada, in some 1,000 localities across the country.

Recent news and updates

The Canadian Bahá’í News Service reports on activities of the Bahá’í Community of Canada, and on events and news of significance to the Bahá’í community here and around the world.